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Integrated System for Collection Management


ASP Technology Group offers PAYIN is an application for management control of collection processes in companies, which offers outsourcing or collection outsourcing services to various institutions. The system controls all the cycles of the collection process, from the entry of the portfolio and its management, to the reporting of payments and the closing of the portfolio; It works for multiple collection currencies being configured as defined by the business leader.

It is modular in terms of its presentation and structure; It groups its modules into: Configuration, Security, Collection Portfolio Loading, Portfolio Distribution, Management, Payments and Reports. The modules are based on the general dynamics of activities, and on the control of information flows in organizations. In turn, each category contemplates the different subsystems or modules required.


It will allow the management of the assignment of permissions by modules, processes and actions, individually or by group of users.

Portfolio Loading (Manual and Automatic):

Portfolio loading will allow feeding the system with the information that corresponds to the debtor clients. In this module, the non-financial data of the debtor client must be requested, such as: the full name, address, telephone numbers, contacts, RUC / CI, observations and financial data; in which it will correspond to the amount owed, the date from when you have the debt, the number of drafts in which it will be canceled, the due date and the amount of each draft.


Portfolio Distribution:

It will allow assigning the portfolio by different criteria, for example: by amount, by client, manually, that is, assigning a specific client to a particular management, by zones, etc.


Events log:

To which only certain users may have access.


This module manages all the information of all the pending debts, which will be canceled later with the means of payment that the collector has collected from the client. The forms of payment can be by card, cash or transfer, these are applied to the letters that are generated, and these can be paid in full or in part, that is, they can apply as a subscription, which would leave the letter in the status of Pend X Collect, and if the payment is applied in full, the letter would be in Paid status.


The payment module has the option to indicate the collector and the date the payment was registered in the system, so that it can later issue payment information reports.



To contemplate the visualization of the clients according to the promises of payment made.


If a client was called on a certain date and a management was made in the system to make contact on another date, at the time that date arrives, the first client to manage must be the one with a payment commitment or some agreement for that day. , since the managers will only be able to see the clients they have assigned.


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